Acupuncture treatment
Using acupuncture and supporting methods such as moxibustion, cupping, etc., a wide variety of ailments are treated successfully and above all, free of side effects.
In acupuncture treatment, specific points on the body are stimulated with fine, sterile needles, which can have a regulating effect on the entire organism. There are many different manipulations and techniques in acupuncture, each with different therapeutic goals.
Chronic pain, injuries and diseases in the musculoskeletal system as well as organ-specific ailments, allergies or autoimmune diseases are treated with acupuncture. In addition to some modern techniques, such as electro-acupuncture, all methods are based on the same theoretical basic concepts of Chinese medicine.
Therefore, an exact diagnosis must be carried out with acupuncture in order not only to treat symptomatically, but also based on the patient’s specific disease pattern. The goal should be to get the best possible effect with as few needles as possible.
However, this can be very different depending on the clinical situation. Different methods are often combined with one another, such as moxibustion with cupping and acupuncture, or acupressure, massage and acupuncture, etc.
If you have any questions,
just talk to us:
Tel: (+49) 01573 573 92 24
Nils Markgraf
TCM practitioner, Heilpraktiker
Jean-Baptiste Brochet
TCM practitioner
Full-time TCM studies at the “Beijing University of Chinese Medicine” in Beijing, China with a B.Sc. Chinese Medicine, as well as at the “Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine” in Guangzhou, China with a M.Sc. Chinese Medicine.
Training in “recognizing and processing TCM herbs” at LiHe-TCM in Xiamen, China. In-depth study of the so-called TCM classics.
Training in Chen-style Taichi, as well as medical Daoyin and Qigong, as well as ongoing training in Beijing, China.